My Vision for Victoria Square

Ideas and concepts of what Adelaide can be.
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My Vision for Victoria Square

#1 Post by Jonno » Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:03 pm

I have just returned to Sydney after a 3200 km road trip to Adelaide. Fortunately for me I just managed to escape the floods across NSW on my return. Adelaide is indeed a beautiful city, especially so for a Sydneysider used to narrow streets, aggressive drivers and haphazard street landscaping. I enjoyed walking around the city - in particular the eastern section of North Terrace with its magnificent buildings and the Central Markets with all of the fabulous Asian cuisine.

Whilst visiting Victoria Square I was hit with a vision of a magnificent pair of angled elliptical arches across the square (from N - S) touching above the central point over the statue of Queen Victoria. They could perhaps each be 100 metres or so at the apex. The arches would cover the entire length of the Square. They would not intrude on the ground usage apart from the bases.

I saw it as being designed in stainless steel to reflect the wonderful light of your city.


1. The stainless steel is all about reflecting LIGHT (very symbolic)
2. The dual touching arches reflect Adelaide's geographical situation as a bridge between Eastern and Western Australia
3. The arches symbolise the signing of the SA proclamation under an arched tree.
4. The similarity between an elliptical arch and the boomerang gives indigenous recognition.
5. The tangency of the arcs at the centre recognises the true city centre.
6. The point of tangency above Queen Victoria recognises the colonial foundation of the city.

Maybe as an outsider I have misunderstood what this Square means to Adelaideans but maybe it gives me a fresh perspective?
It would certainly give a raison d'etre for people to see the Square and could become an international symbol of your delightful city.

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Re: My Vision for Victoria Square

#2 Post by Eurostar » Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:35 pm

You should show us an artist impression of what it will like. I think its a wonderful idea.

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Re: My Vision for Victoria Square

#3 Post by spiller » Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:49 pm

Great to hear the perspective of someone from interstate on such a specific part of Adelaide. I think your suggestions are great and hold a lot of merrit. With the exception of no 2. as Adelaide is its own city and not a bridge between the east and the west of Aus, but without being too trivial, good ideas!

would also love to see some imagery if that is a skill of yours.

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Re: My Vision for Victoria Square

#4 Post by Westside » Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:59 pm

Nice idea, I suggest you post your vision here too: Adelaide needs as many fresh ideas as possible.

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