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Penalties for light speeding

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 1:10 pm
by MT269
Had a look at an article about motorists being requested to follow what seem to be unofficial speed limits through school zones, and other low speed areas.

I was thinking that perhaps the camera/radar guns should detect the number of k's the motorist is exceeding the speed limit by, and issue a penalty if they accumulate enough excess kph over a period of time, which would normally trigger a camera. IE if they're doing 64kph, they won't get pinged the first time. But if they do the same speed past the camera 3 times, then they get fined as though they were doing 12 kph over the limit. It would be activated if the driver exceeds the limit by more than 1.5kph.

I'm sure there are numerous complications which would impede such a process. But it's just my 2c worth.

It was recently mentioned somewhere that motorists won't get pinged, if they do less than 8kph over the speed limit. I think the tolerance should be reduced significantly.

Re: Penalties for light speeding

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:23 pm
by bits

MT269 wrote:I think the tolerance should be reduced significantly.

Re: Penalties for light speeding

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:11 pm
by rev
What they should start seriously targeting is idiots who drive more then 5kmph under the speed limit or more without a valid reason.

They should also be targeting the dick heads with headlights that are too bright because they've replaced globes with shit thats not legal, the idiots who don't know how to turn off their high beams, and fog lights when there's no fog, the idiots who have one blown globe so they use high beams for the headlight that works.

Idiots who indicate at the last minute and slam the breaks on.

Idiots who intentionally speed up to block others from merging or over taking.

Idiot truck drivers who tail gate cars.

Idiots who cut trucks off.

There's many things the police could be doing more of to make our roads safer, instead of just cutting the tolerance for speeding cars.

Re: Penalties for light speeding

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:27 pm
by Nathan
Maybe just make testing for licenses (and renewing a licence) much more strict.

Re: Penalties for light speeding

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 9:53 pm
by neoballmon
Rev, how did you forget the idiots that stop before a zip merge because they think they have to give way?