Beer Garden

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Re: Beer Garden

#1996 Post by Ho Really » Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:57 pm

monotonehell wrote:[...]

...You, as a self proclaimed Christian, should see a lot of common ground on that side of the political spectrum. If not you're not Christian-ing correctly. ;)
A Christian looks at the whole package not at one or two policies that may have Christian values.
Christians are neither left or right-winged. That simple.
As for those in parliament who profess to being Christian, I can tell you the grand majority are not real.
Judge them by their fruits!

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Re: Beer Garden

#1997 Post by rev » Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:25 pm

Well done to Tracy Grimshaw and Emma Alberici for standing up to these cowards and terrorist sympathizers.

Yep. Welcome to Islam. Conform or else. Go back throughout history and see what happens.

Just a red herring, all made up, not's actually straight out of an upcoming movie. :sly:

Notice how the guy from the Islamic Frienfship Association, actually is in favor of sharia law in Australia, just not the way the other guy wants to go about it.

Looking forward to more one liners :cheers:

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Re: Beer Garden

#1998 Post by rev » Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:47 pm

Why is it that muslim clerics and leaders when confronted with a question, about condemning a terrorist, a terror act, or a question such as the one in this interview about whether he thinks the man who ran down and beheaded a British soldier in the UK is a good muslim, they get all defensive and try and change the subject to what America is doing in the war on terror?

These are the people who are educating and influencing Muslims around the world, including here in Australia.

Listen carefully to what he says.

This is what they are being indoctrinated in.

Keep believing your Greens and Labor propaganda though.

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Re: Beer Garden

#1999 Post by rev » Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:05 pm

:applause: :applause: :applause: :bow:

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Re: Beer Garden

#2000 Post by Nathan » Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:36 pm

I could dig up some atrocious comments and videos from the likes of the KKK or ultra right nationalists or various "Christian" groups, but it would prove nothing — there's extremists of all persuasions and we shouldn't use them as examples of the larger community.

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Re: Beer Garden

#2001 Post by rev » Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:02 pm

Nathan wrote:I could dig up some atrocious comments and videos from the likes of the KKK or ultra right nationalists or various "Christian" groups, but it would prove nothing — there's extremists of all persuasions and we shouldn't use them as examples of the larger community.
By all means do it. You are right it won't prove anything but for slightly different reasons.

The KKK and right wing extremist Christians are not preaching in mainstream Christianity.
You won't find these types of people in a Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican or Protestant church.
You won't find those types in any of the aboves schools.
Those types would not be tolerated for 5 minutes.

In Islam however, particularly the Sunni sect which Is the dominant one, these types can be found all over the world, and they are tolerated and allowed to preach their hatred. Until of course the host nations media and people become aware. It's even happened here in Adelaide.

There's 1.2 billion muslims.
It's estimated by Western intelligence agencies that out of those 1.2billion some 300 million are radical extremists. That's a quarter of all muslims.

Let that number sink in before you reply.

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Re: Beer Garden

#2002 Post by Nathan » Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:38 pm

rev wrote:The KKK and right wing extremist Christians are not preaching in mainstream Christianity.
You won't find these types of people in a Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican or Protestant church.
KKK is Protestant, just so you know.

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Re: Beer Garden

#2003 Post by Ho Really » Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:46 pm

claybro wrote:[...]

So many of us are so slow to defend and embrace our inclusive churches (yes..for those who have not been into a church of late there are gay groups and female preachers in Christian churches now), and so quick to defend muslim practice as part of a "multicultural" society, even if the practice flies in the face of our laws.

Those inclusive churches you talk about are corrupt and in error. No true Christian church would allow gay groups* to fellowship or have females** preach. Why? Because it is not biblical! Therefore those churches should not call themselves Christian.

Since our society is secular everyone abides by the law of the land. Christians will follow that law as long as it does not stop them from practising their faith. Christians will not stop gays from being gay or women from preaching in other churches. Christians will not hang or behead gays or those that aren't of the Christian faith! Christians will not judge unbelievers. They can only judge amongst themselves. God will be the judge of the unbeliever.

We also live in a multicultural and multi-faith society. Our laws require us to give everyone equal space. If muslims want to practice their faith etc., they are free to do so, but they need to follow those laws like everyone else. If they don't and want to execute their own laws, they should leave for a muslim country of their choice, where they'll be accepted! Those that have extremist ideologies and incite terror should be jailed or deported according to the law!


* Gays and lesbians need to renounce their homosexuality and stop practising sodomy and other sexual acts between each other (same gender).
** Women are not allowed to speak in church.
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Re: Beer Garden

#2004 Post by Norman » Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:21 am

I don't get it. If the company sees value in making something kosher, halal or approved by a certain dietary organisation, are they not free to do so? Are they not free to exercise their own choice in a free market? It's not like any Australian government is forcing them to do so...

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Re: Beer Garden

#2005 Post by pushbutton » Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:21 am

Calling people stupid when you've never even met them, and know hardly anything about them, and trying to scare people into thinking they shouldn't buy ordinary everyday foods, could almost be regarded as a low form of "terrorism".

Sadly such behavior is extremely common behind the anonymity of the internet.

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Re: Beer Garden

#2006 Post by rev » Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:29 am

Nathan wrote:
rev wrote:The KKK and right wing extremist Christians are not preaching in mainstream Christianity.
You won't find these types of people in a Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican or Protestant church.
KKK is Protestant, just so you know.
And Hitler was a Catholic.

The KKK may be protestant. The KKK however is not accepted by Protestant churches.
The KKK does not have clerics in Protestant churches preaching hate.
A quarter of Muslims are radicals and extremists. I bet you not even 5% of Protestants globally have radical views and beliefs.

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Re: Beer Garden

#2007 Post by rev » Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:33 am

pushbutton wrote:Calling people stupid when you've never even met them, and know hardly anything about them, and trying to scare people into thinking they shouldn't buy ordinary everyday foods, could almost be regarded as a low form of "terrorism".

Sadly such behavior is extremely common behind the anonymity of the internet.

Except what you're talking about hasn't happened.

I don't care if you buy halal products. You're the one who will have to live with the fact you've helped fund the global jihad.

Halal Is not ordinary everyday food.
This is AUSTRALIA. Not Saudi Arabia or some Islamic caliphate.

Calling me a terrorist because im pointing out what's happening in our society is laughable.

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Re: Beer Garden

#2008 Post by rev » Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:46 am

Norman wrote:I don't get it. If the company sees value in making something kosher, halal or approved by a certain dietary organisation, are they not free to do so? Are they not free to exercise their own choice in a free market? It's not like any Australian government is forcing them to do so...
Part of the proceeds from halal certification are funding terrorism. That's one of the major problems with it.

The other problem Is why this stuff should be forced upon AUSTRALIAN consumers.
Muslims represent a small minority here. Why should their RELIGIOUS DIETERY needs be forced upon every other Australian?
I'm not muslim. Islamic religious laws do not apply to me. If I wanted to live by Islamic laws I'd convert to Islam and move to a strict Islamic country.
I'm not going too Saudi Arabia and telling them need to celebrate Christmas and take holy communion.
First because it's ridiculous to expect another country to change to suit you, a minority and secondly because in Saudi Arabia I'd be executed for being accused of being a Christian missionary.

And that's the fundamental problem some of you don't seem to comprehend.
They are bee to this country. It is THEY who need to conform too Australia and integrate and assimilate into this country.
It does not work the other way around where they new arrivals dictate what changes and the country changes to suit them.

That video about the school with the head scarves.
If you can't see the fundamental problem with that, that attacks our core values as a western democratic society, then WOW.

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Re: Beer Garden

#2009 Post by Matt » Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:08 am

I ate a Halal certified Subway yesterday, and I could not possibly give less of a shit. I'm certainly not wracked with guilt that the proceeds of my 6 inch steak and cheese are somehow being funnelled to ISIS.

If companies want to pay a modest fee to ensure that a massive chunk of the population isn't excluded from enjoying their products, good for them. No one's forcing them to.
It makes business sense - as Fleurieu Milk discovered with their (doomed) Emirates contract.

If people want to visit Halal Choices and decide to boycott half of Coles because they think eating a Twix is funding terrorism, good for them too.

My "Halal Choice" is to judge a product on merit, rather than whether or not the company concerned has opted to increase their market reach by getting themselves certified.

As for rev's rants, I genuinely don't know what you're trying to achieve?
If you think sharing a few YouTube videos of alarmist garbage from A Current Affair or Sunrise is going to recruit people to your cause, I fear you're barking up the wrong tree.

I doubt the patronising footnotes to your replies are doing you any favours either.
Reducing people to "lefties" and Greens/Labor apologists because they don't share your fears/opinions just reeks of arrogance.

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Re: Beer Garden

#2010 Post by dsriggs » Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:01 am

Questions for rev:
1) What do you think "halal" actually means?
2) What, as far as you know, is the difference between a halal product & a non-halal product?
3) Using your knowledge of halal food preparation practises, why would Kellogg's All-Bran, Helga's Continental Bakehouse Bread & International Roast Coffee be considered halal?

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