Discussion: 20-Year State Infrastructure Strategy

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Re: Discussion: 20-Year State Infrastructure Strategy

#16 Post by Waewick » Fri May 15, 2020 9:14 pm

So that's great, we have another 20 year plan.

So what are the doing now and over the period until they start to prepare?

What are the steps to get there? What funding?

adelaide transport
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Re: Discussion: 20-Year State Infrastructure Strategy

#17 Post by adelaide transport » Fri May 15, 2020 9:22 pm

ChillyPhilly wrote:
Thu May 14, 2020 11:46 pm
My take on the 'Ten major projects':

1. Completion of the North-South road corridor through metropolitan Adelaide.
Yes, this urgently needs planning for completion, not more private sector business cases that waste taxpayer money. Bite the bullet and follow through with the recommendations of the Scoping Report. The State Government needs to do away with the ridiculous idea of tunnels. The Capital Intentions Statement basically ditches the idea of a link between the SE Freeway and the N-S Corridor and instead opts for inefficient short-term upgrades to Cross, Portrush and Hampstead Roads - none of which should be carrying interstate freight made up of B-Double and B-Triple road trains.

2. A grain/minerals port on Eyre Peninsula
This would be a good move. But again, it's something that has been talked about in some form since about 2007, and nothing other than more hot air has come from this talk.

3. The GlobeLink upgrade of major export infrastructure
Why is GlobeLink being pushed so hard? SA will not have a need for a freight airport for many years. Air cargo in SA is high in value, but not high in volume. The most meritorious aspect of GlobeLink was a freight corridor to the east of the Adelaide Hills (particularly rail).

4. An extension of tram services in the CBD
Straight out of Knoll's crayon-written notebook. Adelaide needs tram services to go beyond the CBD. Trams are not shuttles for tourists. They are far more than that; they are catalysts for urban regeneration. We need local education and subsequent knowledge on light rail.

5. An underground rail link in the CBD
Big yes, but the Strategy writes it off as a pipe dream. Again, this is something that should be planned now, but this project will never see any form of progress under a State Liberal Government.

6. Completion of the Gawler rail electrification
Why is something slated for completion at the end of this year included in a two-decade Strategy?

7. An extension of the O'Bahn between Tea Tree Plaza Interchange (current terminus) and Golden Grove
This should be a relatively simple project to plan and complete in less than twelve months, and should not constitute a component of a 20-year plan.

8. Grade separations at major metropolitan area intersections
Decades overdue. Road projects are a little different to thinking of the past nowadays. More consideration needs to be given to long-term benefits (or lack thereof), pedestrians, mobility, cycling as a mode of transport and not mere recreation, and public transport.

9. Infrastructure development on LeFevre Peninsula
It would be wise to support this. Much industrial land on the Peninsula is out of walking distance of the Outer Harbor line, so creating an innovative bus service that feeds to nearby rail stations would be advantageous.

10. Sealing the Strzelecki Track
Decades overdue.

What is missing?

- Generally increased investment in regional infrastructure.
- A general greater emphasis on public transport infrastructure, including smaller plans such as electrification of the Outer Harbor and Grange lines, a program to upgrade all dated metropolitan rail stations and improving public transport access to and from the airport.
- Planning for a revamp of bus routes, train frequencies and transport interchanges to better serve cross-city travel.
- Moves to restore passenger rail around SA.
- Improving cycling infrastructure.
- Addressing the strain placed on all transport infrastructure by current travel patterns and behaviour.
- A suggested funding model (not tolls, this is a waste of time) for major projects.
A new Bus Network is planned to be introduced later in the year. Some of the changes were already announced a couple of months ago-more details for Public Consultation were supposed to be released last month-we are still waiting!

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