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Bumper month for S-A...

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:05 pm
by Howie
If you had tried to reach S-A this afternoon you might have got a error message saying that this website has exceeded it's bandwidth limit. Curious, as we're approaching September and I would've thought we'd have plenty in reserve... but according to the webstats for this site August has been our busiest month on record, which led to the capping of our website.


Full report

So anyhow i've upgrade our account with the webhost so we "shouldn't" run into that problems for another few months at least... if we do i'll have to upgrade it again.

This site's growing guys !

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:52 am
by Pants
Congratulations mate. Well deserved. Looks like the Advertiser mention helped no-end.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:27 am
by Howie
Thanks Pants.

Most definately Samela's article sure did help... Just look at the sa_stats_aug.pdf file and you'll see that we peaked on the 13th Aug 2005.

Hopefully we can sustain some of this growth, by keeping the site as fresh as possible as to not let this opportunity waste away.

I think everyone here on the forums deserve a round of applause.

Well done people.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 6:14 pm
by petermaloney
Yes it been a good month al round 13 of the forums im on (im currently un-registering from a lot of them soon) Have all peeked this month one in particular

Great job Howie!